On 3-4 June 2023, the jubilee 15th National Red Cattle Exhibition was held in Szczyrzyc, in the municipality of Jodłownik, one of the co-organizers of which was the National Research Institute of Animal Production. The main exhibition was accompanied by a regional exhibition of pedigree sheep and rabbits. The aim of the event was to promote the breeding of Polish Red cattle and other indigenous breeds of farm animals.
On the first day of the exhibition, the judges assessed 54 animals, entered by 26 breeders, and the assessments were made in seven categories. The second day started with a Holy Mass in the Cistercian Abbey, followed by the official opening of the exhibition and the awarding of prizes and diplomas.
An award was also presented by the National Research Institute of Animal Production – the National Coordinator for the Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources to the oldest cow covered by the programme for the genetic resources conservation of the Polish Red breed. Additional attractions prepared by the organizers included a competition for young breeders and an agricultural knowledge competition.
During the two-day event, at an information stand, the National Research Institute of Animal Production presented a number of publications related to native farm animal breeds.