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Laboratory of the Department of Animal Molecular Biology

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  • individual identification and parentage testing,
  • identification of mutations in cattle,
  • polymorphism of β-casein gene in cattle,
  • animal forensic genetics,
  • scrapie genotyping in sheep,
  • species identification of animal components,
  • karyotype analysis,
  • sex identification of parrots and other birds,
  • detection of honey in food products.

Department of Laboratory Analytics – Central Laboratory of the National Research Institute of Animal Production

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  • determination of basic nutrients in feeds by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS),
  • iodine analysis in urine and in other organic materials, including feeds and foods,
  • testing of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in samples of animal origin (meat, fat, cured meats, cheeses, etc.),
  • analysis of amino acid content in feeds and feed premixes and in various materials of plant and animal origin,
  • determination of the profile of 17–21 fatty acids in feeds, foods, animal products, plant materials and in other types of biological material.

Department of Laboratory Analytics – National Laboratory for Feedingstuffs in Lublin

Logo KLP Lublin

Feed testing for the needs of feed supervision, external entities, and research on:

  • basic nutrients (dry matter, crude ash, crude fat, crude fibre (fibre fractions), crude protein, starch, sugar),
  • amino acids (total amino acids, sulfur amino acids and tryptophan),
  • lipid fraction (fatty acids composition, parameters of fat quality evaluation)
  • minerals (chlorides, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, selenium, iodine),
  • undesirable and harmful components of plant origin (trypsin inhibitor activity, urease activity, phytates, undesirable elements and compounds such as fluorine, arsenic, nitrites, cadmium, lead, mercury),
  • identification of active substances in feed additives and protein feed materials as well as their determination in premixes and/or feeds (vitamins A, E, B1 and B2 and ionophore coccidiostats),
  • feed processing parameters (degree of mixing, feed mixer efficiency, pellet durability).

Department of Laboratory Analytics – National Laboratory for Feedingstuffs in Szczecin

Logo KLP Szczecin
  • analysis of basic nutrients and minerals in feeds and in products used in animal nutrition,
  • detecting the presence and determining the content of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in agricultural products,
  • qualitative analysis of water intended for consumption,
  • analysis of effluents, waters, soils and sediments in order to meet the requirements of the applicable regulations,
  • analysis of waste stored in landfills,
  • qualification of bottom sediments when dredging waterways,
  • collection of environmental samples for laboratory tests.

The National Bank of Biological Material

  • facilities for storing biological material in the form of semen, oocytes and embryos from 5 species of farm animals: cattle, pigs, horses, sheep and goats,
  • deposition of biological material from research centres and commercial entities,
  • facilities for depositing part of biological material, in cases where factors which might cause the loss of the material occur in the original storage place.

Laboratory of Genomics of the Department of Animal Molecular Biology

  • identification of mutations in the stress-sensitivity gene (RYR1) in pigs,
  • identification of markers (LDHA, DRD4) for the racing performance of homing pigeons.