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Rudawka Rymanowska – operational groups and demonstration projects

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The “23rd Farewell to the Holidays in Rudawka Rymanowska” took place on 23–25 August 2024. This is a huge outdoor event organized in the glades below the Olza Wall, which attracts several thousand visitors every year.

The event included three exhibitions: The National Exhibition of Native Breeds, the National Exhibition of Simmental Cattle, and the Regional Hucul Horse Championship. Each of them features a specific group of exhibitors and breeders, as well as spectators cheering on their “competitors” and favourites. An additional attraction for the public are the various events accompanying the exhibitions: presentations of antique agricultural equipment, tastings of traditional dishes, competitions and games for children, and performances by musical bands.

Not only farmers and breeders, but also agricultural advisors, teachers from agricultural schools, entrepreneurs associated with the agricultural sector, scientists and innovators, as well as those who decide on the shape and development of our agriculture, led by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski, were present at the Rudawka meadows.

Thanks to such a large and diverse group of visitors, information on the results of the research work carried out at the National Research Institute of Animal Production was able to reach a very wide audience directly, providing an opportunity to reach all possible target groups.

One of the types of activities promoted at the event was the EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, whose work is carried out under the 2014–2020 RDP measure M16 – Cooperation. The National Research Institute of Animal Production is a consortium member in more than a dozen operational groups with a wide variety of topics for the tasks carried out.

At this year’s event, the National Research Institute of Animal Production, as leader, presented the following operational groups:

  • POP Operational Group – Liquid Fed Puławska with a project entitled “Innovative feeding technology for Puławska pigs as part of the implementation of a closed-loop economy on a livestock farm”.
  • GENDROB Operational Group, which implemented the operation entitled “Improvement of the Polish laying hen population using innovative IT and biotechnology solutions”.
  • The Native Horses Operational Group – Innovative Method for Training and Performance Testing, which carried out the operation entitled “Development and implementation of an innovative method for preparing and carrying out the performance testing of stallions of the Wielkopolska and Małopolska breeds in stationary conditions”.
  • The e-Byczek Operational Group implementing the operation entitled “Innovative selection system for Polish Red cattle to improve the beef of native breeds and the creation of a DNA repository for cattle covered by the genetic resources conservation programme using the ‘e-DNA: ID of Cattle’ application”.

The second type of activities promoted during the “Farewell to the Holidays” were demonstration projects in which the National Research Institute of Animal Production is involved.

Visitors to the stand of the National Research Institute of Animal Production could not only familiarize themselves with the extensive scientific and educational offer, but also learn about the following operations:

  • “Production and use of domestic sources of plant protein for feed purposes”;
  • “Organic farming demonstrations”.

Both projects are co-financed by the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under sub-measure 1.1 “Support for demonstration activities and information actions”.