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32nd National Agricultural Exhibition – Częstochowa, 3–4 September 2023

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Grupa mężczyzn w oficjalnych strojach stoi w hali targowej.

The 32nd National Agricultural Exhibition, accompanying the All-Poland Harvest Festival of Jasna Góra, was held on 3–4 September 2023. The exhibition was held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland – Andrzej Duda. On Sunday, a solemn Holy Mass took place at the Jasna Góra meadows, attended by delegations of farmers from all over the country.

During the exhibition, the National Research Institute of Animal Production presented its achievements at an exhibition stand located in the Science sector. Visitors could familiarize themselves with studies on current research activities, an offer of laboratory services, as well as publications related to native farm animal breeds. There was also a tasting of products made from the raw material of native animal breeds: the Puławska pig and the Polish Red cow.

The Institute’s stand was visited by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, including the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development – Robert Telus, the Chairman of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Areas to the President of the Republic of Poland – Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, and other persons representing the scientific and agricultural advisory sectors.