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3rd Regional and Mountain Product Fair of the Małopolska Region – Sromowce Wyżne, 29–30 July 2023

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Grupki ludzi na zielonej trawie stoją przed namiotem wystawienniczym.

The 3rd Regional and Mountain Product Fair of the Małopolska Region took place in Sromowce Wyżne on 29–30 July. The stand of the National Research Institute of Animal Production offered visitors numerous publications, information brochures and gadgets.

The National Research Institute of Animal Production offered tastings of regional products from Małopolska, but also from the Balkan region. The tasting boards included products made from raw materials obtained from native breeds: oscypek cheese, bundz, smoked bundz, lamb sausage and ham, and pork products. Balkan preserves were presented to guests. Cook Wiesław Wróblewski gave an interesting lecture on old ways of preserving and storing food.

The fair was accompanied by performances by musicians, regional bands and demonstrations of old farming practices.