On 6–8 May 2024, a conference entitled “EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in Practice” was held in Estoril, Portugal. The conference of 550 participants included representatives of the National Research Institute of Animal Production – Anna Koseniuk, PhD Eng., and Monika Stefaniuk-Szmukier, PhD, from the Department of Animal Molecular Biology.
The congress was ceremoniously opened by Portugal’s Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries José Manuel Fernandes. Words of welcome to all participants were personally conveyed by the European Union Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, as well as the Cabinet Member of the European Union Commissioner for Agriculture Roberto Berutti.
The organizers of the event provided a host of inspiring presentations and panel discussions, as well as an impressive innovation exhibition. As many as seven thematic workshops were held in parallel. As a culmination of the conference, an award ceremony was planned for the winners in seven categories of the “EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024”.
More information about the nominees can be found at: http://bit.ly/3UPJ2an