29th International Fair of Agricultural Techniques AGROTECH – Kielce, 8–10 March 202414 March 20248 April 2024News
Meeting of Directors of Experimental Stations and Presidents of Companies of the National Research Institute of Animal Production – Balice, 7–8 March 20247 March 202422 March 2024News
Launch of Horizon Europe project, the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare (EUP AH&W)7 March 202422 March 2024News
Commencement of implementation of National Science Centre grant received within the Prelude competition17 January 202413 February 2024Uncategorised
226th meeting of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute of Animal Production – 15 December 202318 December 202313 February 2024News
Visit to animal welfare centres in Germany and Netherlands, 5–11 November 202316 November 202327 November 2023News
Visit to the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Neustadt, 12–14 November 202316 November 202327 November 2023News