The 225th meeting of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute of Animal Production was held remotely on 19 May 2023 using means of distance communication. The Scientific Council gave a positive opinion on the report on the scientific and research activities of the Institute and the financial report for 2022, as well as accepted the proposal for the distribution of profit for 2022. A resolution was adopted to propose the candidacy of Prof. Sylwester Świątkiewicz, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Science of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, as a member of the Council for Scientific Excellence. In addition, the Scientific Council deliberated on a number of items under personnel matters, adopting, among other things, resolutions to confer the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, in the discipline of animal husbandry and fisheries, to Joanna Grzegorczyk, M.Sc. Eng., Anna Miksza-Cybulska, M.Sc. Eng., and Piotr Krzykawski, M.Sc. Eng. At the same time, in the case of Anna Miksza Cybulska, M.Sc. Eng., the Council distinguished the Ph.D. dissertation and its defence.
225th meeting of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute of Animal Production