On 24 September 2023, the 5th Małopolska Animal Breeders’ Festival was held at the Proszowice marketplace. The event brought together many poultry enthusiasts. The National Research Institute of Animal Production offered visitors its publications, information brochures and gadgets for the youngest. Visitors to the stand had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of native breeds and the benefits of their raw materials. The Institute’s Poultry Conservation Coordinator, Dr Jolanta Calik, sat on the committee of a culinary competition whose theme was the creation of a balanced breakfast, including products from the Proszowice region. The Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production Dr Krzysztof Duda presented awards to distinguished poultry breeders making a valuable contribution to the development of poultry farming and the conservation of animal genetic resources. Prizes were awarded to the Proszowice Pedigree Pigeon and Small Livestock Breeders Association “Zielononóżka” for their involvement in the conservation of farm animal biodiversity, as well as to Andrzej Bąk and Robert Bucki for their work to conserve the Polish native breed of Green-legged Partridge hen. The event was honoured with artistic performances, culinary demonstrations, tastings, and an exhibition of animals, including endangered breeds and those prepared for registration as new breeds of ‘proszowicki koroniasty’ and ‘proszowicki wystawowy’ pigeons.