The 35th jubilee Agricultural Fair was held in Barzkowice from 8 to 10 September 2023. The event was organized by the West Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Centre based in Barzkowice, a co-participating partner of the operational groups chaired by the National Research Institute of Animal Production. The fair in Barzkowice was held to mark the 100th anniversary of agricultural consultancy in Poland.
The three days were filled with meetings, events and numerous attractions prepared for visitors by the organizers and exhibitors. Barzkowice was also visited by representatives of the parliament, government and local authorities, including Marek Gróbarczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure.
At the stand of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, visitors had the opportunity to talk about the achieved and planned results of measures co-financed by the “European Agricultural Fund for Rural Areas: Europe investing in rural areas” under the Co-operation Measure, RDP 2014–2020, in which employees of the National Research Institute of Animal Production are involved. In particular, the promotion concerned the operational groups Cooling Cattle, Low Emissions and POP – Fluidly Nourished Puławska, implementing respectively the operations entitled “Optimization of cattle housing conditions and production efficiency through innovative solutions in barn and calf house equipment”, “Development of an innovative technology for air cooling and purification in pig houses”, and “Innovative technology for feeding Puławska pigs as an element of the implementation of closed-loop economy assumptions on a livestock farm”.
For more information, visit the organizer’s website: