We are pleased to inform you that on 3 March 2021, the National Research Institute of Animal Production, represented by the Department of Cattle Breeding, received re-accreditation from ICAR (the International Committee for Animal Recording) for DNA data interpretation centres (“ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation for DNA Data Interpretation Centres”), which allows for parentage verification of animals, including cattle, based on SNP markers. Thus, it has become the 23rd computation centre in the world and the only centre in Poland to be certified to perform this type of analysis. The acquisition of the accreditation by the National Research Institute of Animal Production according to ICAR procedures (two DNA-based services) enables full parentage analysis on both STR markers (performed by the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics) and SNP markers (performed by the Department of Cattle Breeding within animal genomic evaluation). We invite you to visit crs.izoo.krakow.pl for the parentage verification results of dairy cattle based on SNP markers.
ICAR accreditation for the National Research Institute of Animal Production
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