On 14–17 February 2023, an international Polish-Hungarian scientific seminar was held in Ustroń as part of the 15th Prof. Marian Różycki Winter School “Pork of the highest quality – characteristics, identification, reliability”. The scientific seminar was opened by Krzysztof Duda, Ph.D., Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production. The guests from Hungary were introduced by the Consul General of Hungary in Kraków, Dr Tibor Gerencsér, who at the same time expressed his appreciation and thanks to the organizers from Poland for inviting participants from his homeland and giving them the opportunity to give their papers. He expressed his hope for further cooperation. Sixteen papers were presented during the meeting, six of which were prepared and given by guests from abroad. The entire meeting was translated simultaneously. The total number of participants was 120, indicating great interest in the topics proposed by the organizers. The participants represented a broad spectrum of institutions involved in keeping and breeding of animals, especially pigs, including universities, research institutes, agricultural advisory centres, the National Support Centre for Agriculture, the meat industry, the feed industry, and breeders’ associations. In addition, there was a large group of pig breeders among the participants. The guests from Hungary were represented by the Hungarian Consulate General in Kraków, the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the National Association of Mangalitsa Breeders, and the Association of Hungarian Pig Breeders. The topics of the papers were very diverse, but focused around the main theme, i.e. meat quality. The lively discussion after each of the papers presented was proof of the great interest of the participants, which for the organizers was a sign that the proposed programme of the meeting met the expectations of the audience. During the meeting, participants also had the opportunity to taste cold meat products made from the meat of pigs of the conservation breeds Złotnicka White, Złotnicka Spotted and Puławska, as well as from pigs of the Mangalitsa breed, which were prepared and donated as part of the support for the organization of the scientific seminar.