The National Exhibition of Native Breeds as part of the 30th National Breeding Animals Exhibition was held on 12–14 May 2023 in Poznań, on the grounds of the Poznań International Fair. The main exhibition of native breeds was located in Pavilion 3a, and chinchillas were presented in Pavilion 3. A total of 35 exhibitors participated (some of them exhibited several species or breeds of animals each), presenting the following breeds, varieties and strains of animals:
- cows (11 head): 5 cows of the Polish Black-and-White breed and 2 each of Polish Red, Polish Red-and-White and White-backed;
- mares (6 head): Polish Konik, Hucul, Wielkopolski, Silesian and cold-blooded Sokólski type with foals, and a Małopolski mare without a foal;
- stallions (3 head): 2 stallions of the Wielkopolski breed and 1 stallion of the Małopolski breed;
- sheep (40 head, 3 ewes and 2 rams of each breed): Wrzosówka, Świniarka, Podhale Zackel, Coloured Polish Mountain Sheep, Black-headed, Pomeranian, old-type Polish Merino, and Coloured Merino;
- goats (8 head, and 3 male kids): Carpathian, Sandomierska, Kazimierska;
- hens (9 strains): Green-legged Partridge (Z-11), Yellow-legged Partridge (Ż-33), Sussex (S-66), Rhode Island Red (R-11), Rhode Island White (A-33); Green-legged Partridge (Zk); Polbar (Pb); Polish Crested (CP-11); Polish Crested (CP-22);
- geese (8 strains): Zatorska (ZD-1), Biłgoraj (Bi), Garbonosa (Ga), Pomeranian (Po), Rypińska (Ry), Kartuska (Ka), Suwalska (Su), Kuban (Ku);
- ducks (4 strains): domestic Pekin (P-33), Mini-duck (K-2), KhO-1 duck, Danish Pekin (P-8);
- Popielno White rabbits (8 head);
- beige chinchillas: (26 head);
- bees: the Middle European bee line Asta and the Carniolan bee line Dobra;
- Kołuda White goose®.

During the exhibition, a total of 102 animals and 22 flocks of native breed poultry were presented, as well as 2 demonstration beehives. On 12 May, animals were evaluated in accordance with the Regulations for Evaluating Animals of Native Breeds and Awarding Breeders at the 30th National Breeding Animals Exhibition.
The evaluation was carried out by five judges for the evaluation of individual species of native breeds. Evaluated were: 85 animals and 21 flocks of poultry, including: 11 head of cattle of four native breeds, 40 head of sheep of eight breeds, 8 rabbits of the Popielno White breed and 26 beige chinchillas.
As a result of the evaluation, 15 champion titles, 14 vice-champion titles, 84 gold medals and 7 silver medals were awarded. None of the animals were disqualified. The next day, on 13 May, champion titles were awarded by Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – Lech Antoni Kołakowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture – Janusz Wojciechowski, Director of the National Animal Breeding Center – Leszek Sobolewski, and Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production – Krzysztof Duda, Ph.D. The awarding ceremony was conducted by Agnieszka Chełmińska, Ph.D. This was followed by a show of native breed animals in the ring. The entire show was coordinated by the plenipotentiary of the Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production for the Protection of Animal Genetic Resources – Prof. Józefa Krawczyk, Ph.D. The coordinators presented breeders of native breeds and introduced the history and characteristics of individual breeds. Breeders presented their animals in the ring: mares and stallions, cows, sheep and goats, chickens, geese and ducks, rabbits, beige chinchillas and demonstration hives with bees. Like the presentation of the champions, the show was extremely interesting and attracted a large audience.
During the show, experts/coordinators who were present at the Institute’s stand provided information on the various breeds and the possibility of obtaining financial support for keeping native breed animals. Gold and silver medals, diplomas for the title of vice-champion and for participation for breeders of native breeds were presented on 14 May by a representative of the Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Matters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – Magdalena Mietlicka-Zakrzewska, Deputy Director of the National Animal Breeding Centre – Monika Kajak, President of the Experimental Station of the National Research Institute of Animal Production in Odrzechowa Sp. z o.o. and President of the Polish Horse Breeders Association – Władysław Brejta, and Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production – Krzysztof Duda, Ph.D. In addition, the Director of the Institute presented statuettes and diplomas to: Ewa and Roman Szulc “For many years of cooperation and merits in the protection of Złotnicka Spotted pigs”; Roman Grzywiński “For special merits in the protection of Puławska pigs”; Alfred Skrentny “For many years of cooperation and merits in the protection of Złotnicka White pigs”. Mariusz Tomczak “For great involvement in the protection of native horse breeds”; Małgorzata Studzińska “For great involvement in the protection of native horse breeds”; Marek Bańka “For his contribution to the protection of genetic resources of the Carpathian goat breed”; and Zbigniew Bańka “For his contribution to the conservation of genetic resources of the Carpathian goat breed” and Zbigniew Kołodziej “For his contribution to the promotion of native animal breeds”.
Among visitors to the exhibition, information and promotional materials were also distributed, including: brochures and informational leaflets on native breeds of farm animals, colouring books for children with native breeds, pens, mugs, lanyards, bags and others. A “children’s art corner” on native breed farm animals was organized. All children received prizes.