Meeting of directors and presidents of NRIAP companies – Balice, 7 February 20237 February 202315 February 2023News
NRIAP has been re-accredited by ICAR for DNA data interpretation (“ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation for DNA Data Interpretation Centres”)31 January 202315 February 2023News
Nomination for the title Personality of the Year 2022 in the category of Science for Katarzyna Ropka-Molik, Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP17 January 202319 January 2023News
Conference entitled “Agritourism as an alternative to traditional product development” – Karniowice, 8 December 20229 December 202219 January 2023News
“Symbol of Sustainable Development 2022” for the National Research Institute of Animal Production22 November 202228 November 2022News
Implementation of stage 1 of the operation “With Native Breeds on the Mountains to Sea Trail along the Vistula River”15 November 202222 November 2022News
Study trips as part of the operation “Choose Food and Trip” on the “Niech Cię Zakole” trail28 October 20228 November 2022News
Conference on „Development of breeding of native breed goats” – Balice, 14 October 202224 October 202227 October 2022News