On 12–14 November 2023, the staff of the National Bank of Biological Material, the Department of Reproductive Biotechnology and Cryoconservation and the Coordination Team for the Conservation of Genetic Resources, visited the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Neustadt.
The meeting was aimed to expand knowledge, among other things, in the field of conservation of poultry genetic resources by ex situ methods, to be inspired by new solutions for building conservation strategies, as well as to get acquainted with the organization of work at the centre for the collection of material from pigs and small ruminants operating at the German genebank.
This year, the Department of Reproductive Biotechnology and Cryoconservation at the National Research Institute of Animal Production took the first steps in building semen collections from cocks of conserved populations and bees. The National Research Institute of Animal Production banked material from eighteen donors/cocks – a total of more than one thousand six hundred portions of semen from the following breeds: Green-legged Partridge, Yellow-legged Partridge, Sussex, Rhode Island White and Rhode Island Red.