Acting Manager
Anna Arczewska-Włosek, Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP
phone: 666 081 192
Conducts the activity in the field of
- preparing and updating models of feeding ruminants and monogastric animals also for the needs of environment protection and breeding conservation animal breeds,
- defining metabolic pathways of various feeds and their digestibility,
- development and maturation of alimentary tract in neonatal and postnatal period,
- the development of endocrine and exocrine functions of alimentary tract,
- defining the role of alimentary tract in functioning of immune system,
- the influence of feed additives on the effectiveness of feeding animals and the quality of obtained products,
- the development of the methods of increasing the contents of nutritionally valuable macro and microelements in feeds,
- defining the production effectiveness of feed enzymes in feeding ruminants and monogastric animals,
- feed value and chemical composition of feed materials of national origin and the factors influencing them,
- feed value and usefulness of fodder plants in feeding animals in conditions of water shortage and climate change,
- the search of alternative substances to in-feed antibiotics and coccidiostats,
- the possibilities of increasing health-promoting substances in raw materials of animal origin,
- the research on the influence of genetically modified plants and feed materials on animal performance and the transfer of transgenic DNA from alimentary canal to meat, milk and eggs,
- the application of animal models to determine the physiological activity of active ingredients in feeding human.
Collects information on national feeds and operates the National Feed Base.