Acting Manager
Eng. Elżbieta Sowula-Skrzyńska, Ph.D.
phone: 666 081 220

Scope of research, scientific analyses and studies, dissemination studies, and training
Systems and organization of animal production
- research on animal housing systems needed to develop various technological solutions in livestock production;
- research on improving chick quality and production results in broilers through in ovo technology;
- research on using bee products for in ovo supplementation of chicken embryos;
- optimization of cattle housing conditions and production efficiency through innovative solutions in barn and calf house equipment (cooperation as part of a project).
Natural environment protection and counteracting climate change
- assessing the impact of livestock production conditions on the natural environment and counteracting climate change;
- determining the most efficient methods for reduction of GHG and ammonia emissions during pasturing of cattle, as a measure for implementing the low-emissions economy and achieving climate goals;
- developing the most efficient methods for reduction of GHG emissions from pasturing of cattle;
- determining methods for reducing the dispersion of nitrogen from different cattle, pig and poultry housing systems;
- evaluating the effect of the type of feed additives and of the number of feeding phases on the level of nitrogen excretion reduction;
- evaluating the effect of the application method of natural fertilizers during fertilization on the rate of nitrogen reduction;
- determining the possibility of reducing nitrogen dispersion through modification of natural fertilizer storage conditions;
- determining the biogenic potential of sheep manure in deep-litter system, estimating the volume of gas emissions and the potential reduction of harmful gas components through the use of herbal litter additives and complete pelleted concentrate mixtures.
Economic determinants of the development of farms engaged in livestock production
- evaluating the effect of different farming systems on the level of sustainable livestock production, and characterizing the economic potential of raising and breeding animals of conserved breeds in family farms under sustainable agriculture as well as implications of the Common Agricultural Policy for sustainable development of livestock production from an environmental economic perspective;
- assessing technical and economic efficiency and the degree of inventiveness in different types of farms engaged in livestock production, which implement the concept of sustainable development;
- assessing the economic potential of agricultural commodity and food markets in Polish mountain and foothill areas and evaluating the specificity of the marketing chain on the agri-food market, with special consideration of the potential for direct sale and agricultural retail trade in food distribution;
- determining the productive and economic potential of family farms with consideration of proenvironmental actions and changes in production technology and in product manufacturing technology in territorial terms;
- determining the barriers and the scope for implementing selected measures of the Green Deal in farms with diversified livestock production;
- evaluation of the activities and financial outlays for reducing the adverse environmental impact of livestock production in family farms;
- optimization of livestock production involving activities aimed at reducing adverse environmental impacts;
- evaluating the transformation state and processes in agricultural production space surrounding protected areas;
- identification of the natural consequences of deanimalization and deagrarianization, including structural changes in the farm/forest boundary.
Ecology and welfare in livestock production
- studies to evaluate the impact of increasing minimal housing conditions for laying hens on the livestock sector in Poland;
- development of methodological assumptions for preparation of functional feeds, aimed at preventing parasitic infestations in organic dairy cows at farm level;
- research on the development, implementation and optimization of comprehensive solutions for domestic organic farms;
- determining payment rates for dairy cattle, beef cattle, pigs and sheep as part of the Animal Welfare action, based on estimation of marginal costs, at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
- verifying the current situation in organic livestock production and indicating the activities aimed at improving the efficiency of organic production in livestock farms;
- determining exogenous factors that determine the efficiency of organic livestock farms;
- determining endogenous factors that determine the efficiency of organic livestock farms;
- determining the barriers and opportunities for development in farms with diversified livestock production.