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Bilateral meeting of representatives of the National Research Institute of Animal Production and the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers – Balice, 10 April 2024

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Grupa ludzi siedzi w eleganckiej sali na tle okien z kotarami przy nakrytym stole. Na ostatnim planie dwóch mężczyzn patrzy w obiektyw. Po lewej stronie mężczyzna i dwie kobiety.

On 10 April 2024 at the National Research Institute of Animal Production (NRIAP) there was a bilateral meeting between representatives of the Institute and the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers (PFHBiPM) involved in the assessment of the genetic value of dairy cattle. The PFHBiPM was represented by: Ewa Kłębukowska – Deputy Director, Agnieszka Nowosielska – Director for Breeding, and Sebastian Mucha – Director of the CGEN Center for Genetics. The hosts of the meeting were represented by Tomasz Jacek, PhD – Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, Prof. Sylwester Świątkiewicz, PhD – Deputy Director for Science, Grzegorz Żak, PhD, Prof. of NRIAP – Director’s Plenipotentiary for Breeding Value Assessment, Monika Skarwecka, PhD, Barbara Kulesza-Żydzik and Kacper Żukowski, PhD.

The meeting was devoted to the implementation of the agreement between PFHBiPM and the NRIAP, concluded between the institutions on 15 September 2021. The meeting was opened by Dr Grzegorz Żak, Prof. of NRIAP, passing the floor to Dr Eng. Tomasz Jacek, who welcomed the participants and briefly presented his point of view on further cooperation, emphasizing its importance for national dairy cattle breeding and the development of methods for assessing the genetic value of dairy cattle. He expressed his thanks for the work done so far and his hope for further good cooperation between the NRIAP and PFHBiPM, the effects of which are to serve Polish breeding. In the later part of the meeting, Sebastian Mucha presented the most important achievements resulting from cooperation to date, the current status of work in progress, and plans for the future. A lively and substantive discussion was held during the presentation. Participants of the meeting made a number of comments and ideas aimed at developing cooperation, as well as improving its results. They also pointed out the need to make certain corrections to the content of the “Agreement”, in the form of an annex, resulting from current conditions and needs.

Representatives of the PFHBiPM thanked for the invitation to the meeting at the Institute, the pleasant atmosphere, and the substantive discussion, and extended an invitation to the next bilateral meeting at the Federation’s headquarters in Warsaw.