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Meeting with the National Veterinary Research Institute on scientific cooperation – Balice, 13 November 2023

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Liczna grupa osób pozuje do zdjęcia w eleganckim pomieszczeniu, na tle luster i drewnianych drzwi.

On 13 November 2023, a meeting was held at the National Research Institute of Animal Production between representatives of the National Veterinary Research Institute in Puławy and the scientific staff of our unit. In the course of a fruitful discussion, the possibilities of undertaking intensive scientific cooperation within the framework of several issues, important for national animal production and veterinary science, were discussed.

The scope of joint activities was defined in relation to such research areas as: prion protein polymorphism and genetic susceptibility of cervids to chronic wasting disease (CWD); identification of molecular markers associated with sheep and goat resistance to small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infection; the search for molecular markers associated with pig resistance to African swine fever virus (ASF) infection; the risk of transmission of pyrrolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloids from feed to animal tissues; analysis of the risk of antimicrobial substances in animal tissues and organic fertilizers, as well as their transfer to the soil environment; the search for effective, alternative (natural) methods of controlling coccidiosis in poultry production and reducing the use of antimicrobial substances in livestock rearing.