Formal sitting of the Main Council of the Research Institutes – Warsaw, 12 September 202214 September 20224 October 2022News
31st National Agricultural Exhibition – Częstochowa, 3-4 September 202213 September 202223 September 2022News
“21st Farewell to Holidays in Rudawka Rymanowska”, 26-28 August 20225 September 202212 September 2022News
The National Research Institute of Animal Production Awarded Category A+ Status28 July 20221 August 2022News
Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production appointed member of the Committee for Scientific Policy21 July 20229 August 2022News
“With Native Breeds on the Mountains to Sea Trail along the Vistula River”14 July 20229 August 2022News
Chipping of cattle at the National Research Institute of Animal Production13 July 20229 August 2022News
Scientific conference as part of the Prof. Marian Różycki 14th Winter Workshop “Raising and Breeding Pigs of Native Breeds in Poland – Tradition, Hobby or Business?” – Ustroń, 7-10 June 202212 July 20229 August 2022News