Katarzyna Połtowicz, Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP
phone: 666 081 195
Conducts the activities in the field of genetics, breeding and use of poultry, particularly concerning
- the evaluation of breeding and productive value and processing the data of the results of the evaluation of poultry performance,
- conducting and management of database on national poultry genetic resources,
- improvement and use of biometric methods, which serve the improvement of poultry breeding and productive value,
- the use of methods of molecular genetics in the study of the structure of populations of various breeds and varieties of poultry, including those under protection,
- specifying and shaping the genetic determinants of the quality of eggs and poultry meat,
- the evaluation of polymorphism and gene expression associated with economically important productive traits of poultry,
- monitoring of quality and safety of poultry products,
- the use of modern methods of instrumental analysis for the evaluation of physicochemical and health-promoting qualities of poultry products,
- determining real value of particular lines of meat poultry from the point of view of productive results, post-slaughter value, meat quality and safety as well as susceptibility to disease, malformations and technological meat defects,
- monitoring of meat defects, which disqualify it from further processing, establishing the reasons of meat defects and undertaking activities which lead to eliminating them,
- the possibilities of shaping health-promoting, functional traits of poultry products (the modification of egg composition and poultry meat),
- conducting the activities leading to the increase of offer and competitiveness of poultry products on national and foreign market,
- the use of native breeds of gallinaceous poultry and waterfowl in sustainable agricultural production,
- the evaluation of the quality of products obtained from breeds and strains of the poultry included in conservation programme,
- the use of native poultry breeds for production of hybrids, breeding slow-growing chickens to be used in alternative breeding systems, creating native chicken varieties that grow slowly in comparison to typical fast-growing broilers, preserving good post-slaughter performance and obtaining high quality meat at the same time,
- conducting research on the possibility of using them in alternative systems of poultry housing, in conditions of prolonged breeding,
- the development of the comprehensive technology of breeding slow-growing broiler chickens, the evaluation of physicochemical, sensory and technological traits of meat,
- the activities leading to the achievement of the state of balance among genetics, welfare and economics in production of broiler chickens.
Realizes the tasks resulting from the Convention on Biological Diversity ratified by the Republic of Poland in the field of protection and sustainable use of poultry genetic resources, consisting particularly in
- conducting and management of database on national poultry genetic resources (flock monitoring),
- conducting activity in the field of development and supervision over the realization of farm animal genetic resources conservation programmes (accepting herds to participate in genetic resources conservation programmes, record-keeping),
- keeping books of animals included in genetic resources conservation programmes,
- issuing breeding certificates and the certificates of including flocks in genetic resources conservation programme,
- cooperation with FAO in the field of the realization of the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Resources,
- cooperation with national and international organizations and breeders in the field of conservation and sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources.