The “21st Farewell to Holidays in Rudawka Rymanowska” took place on 26-28 August 2022, and the National Exhibition of Native Breeds was organized as part of this event.
This year’s exhibition was attended by twenty-six exhibitors who presented the following breeds, varieties and strains of farm animals (a total of 57 animals and 14 flocks of poultry, as well as demonstration bee hives with Carniolan honey bees):
- cattle (4 breeders presented 7 animals): Polish Red, Polish Red-and-White, Polish Black-and-White, White-backed;
- mares (8 breeders presented 9 animals): Hucul, Małopolski, Silesian cold-blooded of Sokólski type, Polish Konik;
- sheep (6 breeders presented 18 animals): Wrzosówka, Świniarka, Podhale Zackel, Polish Pogórza, Black-headed, Olkuska;
- Carpathian (4 breeders presented 12 animals) and Sandomierska goats (2 breeders presented 6 animals), in addition to Kazimierz-type goats (2 animals);
- hens (1 breeder presented 6 flocks): Greenleg Partridge (Z-11), Yellowleg Partridge (Ż-33), Leghorn (G-99), Sussex (S-66), Rhode Island Red (R-11), Rhode Island White (A-33);
- geese (3 breeders presented 6 flocks): Biłgoraj (Bi), Zatorska (Zd-1), Subcarpathian (Pd), Humpback (Ga), Landes (LsD-01), Pomeranian (Po), and additionally White Kołuda®;
- ducks (1 breeder presented 2 flocks): Polish Pekin P-33 and KhO-1
- Popielno White rabbits (1 breeder presented 2 animals);
- Carniolan honey bees of the Dobra line (1 breeder presented 1 exhibition).
On the first day, goats of two breeds (Carpathian and Sandomierska) were judged by the judges: Prof. Tomasz Gruszecki, Ph.D. from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Jakub Ścisłowicz M.Sc. Eng. from the Regional Sheep and Goat Breeders Association in Nowy Targ, and Jacek Sikora Ph.D. Eng. from the National Research Institute of Animal Production. The six breeds of sheep on show were judged by the judges: Aldona Kawęcka Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP from the National Research Institute of Animal Production and Jan Janczy, Director of the Regional Sheep and Goat Breeders Association in Nowy Targ.
The judges selected the following animals:
- 3 super champions: Carpathian goat no. PL200001922633, cat. no. 60; Black-headed ewe no. PL100019585663, cat. no. 41; Olkuska ram no. PL100026857708, cat. no. 28;
- 6 champions: Wrzosówka ewe no. PL100019679263, cat. no. 22; Olkuska ram no. PL100026857708, cat. no. 28; Blackheaded ewe no. PL100019585663, cat. no. 41; Podhale Zackel ram no. PL100023934198, cat. no. 40; Carpathian goat no. PL200001834011, cat. no. 53; Sandomierska goat no. PL200000641641, cat. no. 64;
- 6 vice champions: Olkuska ewe no. PL100025500216, cat. no. 26; Podhale Zackel ewe no. PL100015622737, cat. no. 36; Pogórza sheep ram no. PL100023722429, cat. no. 49; Świniarka ram no. PL100024486528, cat. no. 34; Carpathian goat no. PL200002503626, cat. no. 56; Sandomierska goat no. PL200001449734, cat. no. 68.
In the afternoon, native breed animals were presented in the show ring by Prof. Józefa Krawczyk, Ph.D., who familiarized the viewers with the role and importance of native breed animals. Breeders presented cattle, horses, sheep and goats in the show ring, and other species (i.e., poultry, fur animals and bees) at the stands. The experts on call (coordinators from the National Research Institute of Animal Production) discussed the history and characteristics of the different breeds, presented the breeders, and provided information on financial support for native breed animals. The show attracted a large number of viewers.
Statuettes for the prize-winners and the diplomas of participation in the exhibition were awarded by the Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, Krzysztof Duda, Ph.D. In addition, three special prizes of the Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production were awarded for contribution to the conservation of native breeds of farm animals. The winners were: the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Urszula and Bogusław Dworak, and Grzegorz Sowa – breeders of native breeds.
At the stand of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, informational and promotional materials prepared by the Institute’s employees were distributed. Breeders and visitors received the Native Breeds Catalogue as well as leaflets and brochures about native breed animals. Prof. Józefa Krawczyk, Ph.D. was interviewed by the regional television in Rzeszów about the importance of native farm animals.
As usual, the “Art Contest for Children” was carried out in which native breed farm animals were drawn. Forty-three children up to 12 years old participated in the contest and prizes were given in three age categories: 3-6, 7-9 and 10-12 years old. Three outstanding works were awarded in each group. The other children received consolation prizes. The competition was carried out and judged by: Prof. Dorota Kowalska, Ph.D., Prof. Józefa Krawczyk, Ph.D., Aldona Kawęcka, Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP, and Prof. Sylwester Świątkiewicz, Ph.D. The prizes were awarded by the Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production, Krzysztof Duda, Ph.D.
All the visitors were entertained by performances of musical ensembles, food tastings, and the “Hucul Path”. Companies from the agri-food sector presented their rich trade offer. A “Breeder’s Evening” and a fireworks display were held in the evening.