On 11–12 October 2023, a conference entitled: “Using the breeding potential of native breeds in local tourism and gastronomy” took place in Kraków, organized as part of an operation carried out by the National Research Institute of Animal Production in partnership with the Małopolska Agricultural Advisory Centre entitled: “With native breeds along the Vistula trail from the mountains to the sea”.
The event, attended by one hundred and ten people, brought together representatives of various organizations interested in the subject. Those gathered listened to lectures by specialists, learned about the characteristics of the voivodeships in terms of the use of native breeds in local industries, and had the opportunity to taste dishes prepared specially for them. The conference began with a speech by Dr Krzysztof Duda, Director of the National Research Institute of Animal Production.
The following lectures were delivered:
- Prof. Józefa Krawczyk, PhD – National Research Institute of Animal Production: Conservation of farm animal genetic resources in Poland,
- Prof. Czesław Nowak, PhD – University of Agriculture in Kraków: Promotion of local products by agritourism farms,
- Dominika Marzec MA – Ignatianum University in Kraków: Polish cuisine throughout history,
- Piotr Lenart MA – Coordinator of the Culinary Trail “Niech Cię Zakole”: What’s from the homestead is on the table – presentation of a model culinary trail using indigenous livestock potential,
- Janusz Smołucha, PhD, Professor of IUK – Ignatianum University in Kraków: Introduction of native breeds as a culinary tradition in agritourism using the example of a selected European country.
Representatives of eight voivodeships also spoke, presenting the virtues of their region and the link between culinary traditions and local ingredients:
- Lubelskie Voivodeship – Prof. Andrzej Junkuszew, PhD
- Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship – Anna Kornelia Jędrzejewska
- Śląskie Voivodeship – Wiesław Wróblewski
- Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship – Mariusz Bezak
- Pomorskie Voivodeship – Arkadiusz Onasch
- Podkarpackie Voivodeship – Krzysztof Zieliński
- Mazowieckie Voivodeship – Kamil Kołakowski
- Małopolskie Voivodeship – Zbigniew Kmieć
The selection of the regions was not accidental, as it resulted from the assumptions of the operation, which covered voivodeships lying along the course of the Vistula River. All participants received a publication entitled “The Culinary Heritage of Native Breeds” as part of the conference materials.