National Exhibition of Native Breeds as part of the 30th National Breeding Animals Exhibition – Poznań, 12–14 May 202322 May 20232 June 2023News
225th meeting of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute of Animal Production22 May 202327 September 2023News
Training for advisors and caretakers of demonstration farms under sub-measure 1.2. “Support for demonstration projects and information activities” of the Rural Development Programme 2014–2020 on modern technologies for raising and breeding beef cattle8 May 202324 May 2023News
National Research Institute of Animal Production has been awarded this year’s special prize Śląskie Orły Wprost 202325 April 202310 May 2023News
Katarzyna Ropka-Molik, Ph.D., Prof. of NRIAP again a member of the Science Evaluation Committee5 April 202327 September 2023News
Workshop “Effective use of the breeding potential of native breeds in local tourism and gastronomy”2 March 202327 September 2023News
International Polish-Hungarian Scientific Seminar as part of the 15th Prof. Marian Różycki Winter School “Pork of the highest quality – characteristics, identification, reliability”, Ustroń, 14–17 February 202322 February 202327 February 2023News
Seminar for teachers of veterinary science and animal production entitled: “Reproduction of farm and companion animals” – Balice, 10 February 202313 February 202315 February 2023News